We need your help

Help ensure we can be a force of hope in the East Boston community for years to come. All donations are tax-deductible and incredibly appreciated. Below are a few simple actions that can make a world of difference for us.


Donate kitchen supplies

A constant supply of napkins, sanitary gloves, takeout containers, and other items allow our meal services to run smoothly. To help us restock, head over to our Amazon Wishlist and see what we need!


Donate toward our Weekly Food Pantry

If you or your business is interested in sponsoring or donating grocery items we would love to discuss this further with you. Click the link to learn about our weekly needs.


Donate clothes & other necessities

Our guests are often in need of clothing, towels, and toiletries. Due to storage limitations, please check before dropping off donations. Click below to see what we are looking for!

Donations can be mailed to P.O. Box 497, East Boston, MA 02128